Past Docs Not Cops Events

The Immigration Act came into force on the 6th of April 2016. The UK government introduced an immigration health surcharge and threats of fines for trusts that do not comply with charges. Click here to find out more.

  • On the 22nd of April 2016 at University College Hospital we staged some theatrical protest. We challenged the idea of doctors as border guards to show just how damaging charging some people for care will be.

Docs Not Cops in theatrical protest

  • Coverage of our event on 15th April.
  • DocsNotCops marches against racism with 15,000
  • DocsNotCops teams up with 999callfortheNHS to oppose doctors acting as border guards
  • DocsNotCops hosts a film screening and talk to explore the real costs of pregnancy for vulnerable migrants who are forced to pay. Keep our babies free at the point of delivery!
Docs Not Cops at the International Students Demonstration - person holding a sign that says 'Migrants already contribute'
Docs Not Cops at the International Students Demonstration
  • DocsNotCops at the NHS Annual General Meeting: